Briq Belgian Chocolate

"Every Belgian is born with a brick in his stomach."
"Elke Belg wordt geboren met de baksteen in de maag."

This popular Dutch phrase reflects the universal desire among Belgians to build their own homes. While this saying is certainly a nod to the generations of builders who have shaped the country's brick-laden landscape, it simultaneously manages to speak to the chocolate company's consumer market.

Art Direction
Brand Identity

Brickwork is the foundation of the logo direction. The mark itself is designed using a strict grid, with equal character widths to match. Because the letter-forms are optically spaced, the form is easily legible at both small and large sizes.

While contemporary Belgian and Dutch design is impossible to label stylistically, clean, simple, geometric forms have long been considered undeniable elements of the countries’ art and architecture. Starting with traditional brick patterns featuring vertical and horizontal lines, research expanded to more natural and organic shapes, referencing the client's dedication to sourcing organic ingredients.

Continuing to explore Belgian art and design, the visual neutrality of organic materials such as linen, cobblestone, chalky ceramics, and light, natural, reclaimed woods served as strong inspiration for the final packaging system. Considered to be defining characteristics of Belgian interior design, these elements create a clean, exhale-inducing quality reminiscent of contemporary Scandinavian decor.

The result was a modern and colorful packaging system referencing hand made brick patterns found throughout Belgian masonry.